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Adequate Carbs for Excercising

Fueling for Exercise and Recovery-How to Optimize Carbohydrate Intake- Athletes continually seek strategies to improve performance, but not all methods are safe or effective. Adequate carbohydrate stores (muscle and liver glycogen and blood glucose) are critical for optimum athletic performance during intermittent high-intensity work and prolonged endurance exercise. Fueling with adequate carbohydrates before, during and after endurance events can enhance performance in endurance and ultra-endurance events. Recent research reveals that using multiple carbohydrate sources compared to a single source allows for a greater use of carbohydrate in events lasting more than three hours. Nutritional strategies that enhance carbohydrate availability before, during and after exercise can improve an athlete’s performance. Identify an appropriate carbohydrate intake regimen as well as the rationale for using it before, during and after exercise based on a variety of factors, including body weight and type, and duration and intensity of activity being performed. Describe the effectiveness of various forms and sources of carbohydrate, including usefulness of the glycemic index. Discuss the effectiveness of other substrates on exercise performance, such as low-carb, high-fat and high-protein regimens.

1.0 Free CEUs for Physical Therapists

Free until  5/5/16
Gannett Education
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